Philosophy of Individual Accountability
JCS is a boutique firm that operates quite differently from other consulting and investment management organizations. JCS does not use cookie-cutter asset allocation formulas, but rather works closely with each client to custom design an investment program for their unique objectives, then builds a long-term investment framework to structure a diversified investment program with access to top investment professionals.
The four pillars of the JCS philosophy are:
- Customized services based on an understanding of client needs. JCS gathers and analyzes information pertinent to structuring each client’s asset allocation and investment manager roster that reflects a client’s unique situation.
- People, not institutions, make successful investment decisions. JCS focuses on accountability when selecting investment managers and recommends managers that have a history of success.
- Investment experience is critical to manager evaluations. Members of the JCS team have direct investment experience that is key to evaluating the economic environment, expected returns and investment managers.
- Innovative, forward thinking. JCS is continually thinking about the future and how investment portfolios should be structured looking forward. The firm strives to measure past performance as a base from which to move forward. Investment programs must evolve to incorporate future opportunities.
JCS is an independent firm and receives no commissions or rebates from investment managers.”
Mary Ann Johnson